Call for papers

Take part of TAEE

Call for papers

Since 1994, biennially and regularly, the TAEE Congress has been the meeting place for electronics professionals from the fields of Industrial Technology and Information and Communication Technologies from Spain, Portugal and Latin America.

During these years, it has become a space for reflection, creation,  dissemination of teaching resources (mainly technologically based) and for the promotion and cooperative generation of knowledge, with the aim of improving the teaching practice of electronics.

As in the previous edition, in this one we want to consolidate the experience, and we hope to continue counting on the participation of business  professionals, institutions and teachers of Secondary Education and vocational Training, along with that of university professors and researchers.

Access here the official “call for papers” document of the XVI International Conference of Technology, Learning and Teaching of Electronics.

Access here the official “call for papers” document for professionals in Secondary Education and Vocational Training of the XVI International Conference of Technology, Learning and Teaching of Electronics.

Submission process

Participation in the XV TAEE International Conference

1st) Submission of Extended Abstracts

An extended abstract (one page max) is required for participation in the conference. The abstracts should be submitted to the TAEE2024 EasyChair system.

When submitting the extended abstract, authors should select the type of presentation (Regular Paper, Poster or Demo). Submissions involving Hardware or Software development as part of a pedagogical solution are particularly adequate for Demos and positively considered on this type of presentation.

In addition, PhD students or Bachelor's Degree Final Project/Master's Thesis students may also participate in the conference by presenting their thesis projects that they are doing or are going to carry out, highlighting their relationship with the learning of any of the conference areas. For that, they must select the doctoral/TFG/TFM consortium option in the submission platform.

Extended abstracts must include the complete title, a text that summarizes the document structure and a summary of the most relevant results. It may also contain figures and references. The extended abstract is limited to a single page. You can download the template here (please, use a browser other than Firefox for downloading):

The abstract should not include the authors name or filiation for blind review purposes.

The deadline for submitting the extended abstract can be found here.

Access the Extended Abstract Submission platform (Easy Chair) here

2nd) Submission of Full Paper

Accepted extended abstracts should then be formalized by the submission of a full paper into the EasyChair platform.

The full paper should follow the IEEE format in the A4 page size. The recommended size of each paper is between 4 and 6 pages, for all communication types, with a maximum limit of 10 pages. The submission should be done on the EasyChair platform up to the defined deadline, in order to allow the review process, by the TAEE committees.

It is reminded that author names or filiations should NOT be included in order to guarantee a double blind review process.

Important: To submit the full paper using EasyChair platform, you have to update the previous submission. You can see a short (1 minute) and detailed video tutorial on how to do it here.

3rd) Submission of Camera-Ready Version

Once the review process is finalized, the result is communicated to the authors, along with reviewer comments. Authors then have to prepare the paper final version*, where the reviewers’ comments should be taken into consideration.

The final version should follow the IEEE format, using a A4 page size e including author name and filiation. Authors should check is the fonts are included in the PDF and make sure no page numbering or footers are included.

Authors may choose that their paper is published in IEEE Xplore, being required that an English version* is submitted (that can be additional to a Portuguese* or Spanish* version). Authors should make sure that the camera-ready version adheres to the IEEE conference format and is compatible with IEEE Xplore.

* Submittion dates

Additionally, the footnote must include the following text:

979-8-3503-4867-5/24/$31.00 ©2024 IEEE

For authors employed by the U.S. Government, replace the content of the footnote with the following: U.S. Government work not protected by U.S. copyright. For authors employed by the Crown government (UK, Canada, and Australia) replace the content of the footnote with the following: 979-8-3503-4867-5/24/$31.00 ©2024 Crown. For authors employed by the European Union, replace the content of the footnote with the following: 979-8-3503-4867-5/24/$31.00 ©2024 European Union. In any other case (the most common option), do not replace anything and leave the copyright above.

Contributions in Spanish or Portuguese, or those in English that do not opt for publication in IEEE Xplore, will be published in the book of minutes of the conference and housed in the digital repositories of the TAEE Association and entities with collaboration protocol. All types of contributions (oral communication, demo, poster, doctoral paper) can be published on IEEEXplore. For posters, the "presentation" will consist of hanging/explaining the poster in the corresponding session. For demos, the "presentation" will consist of explaining the demonstrator in the corresponding session.


The following recognitions will be awarded:

  1. Award for the best oral communication.
  2. Best demonstrator award.
  3. Best poster award.
  4. Award for the best doctoral contribution.
  5. Award for the best secondary education / professional training contribution .
  6. Additionally: "Tomás Pollán" award and lifetime achievement award.
Conference languages

Spanish, English and Portuguese

Presentation modalities

Oral communication, demonstrator, poster and doctoral consortium.

Although the conference is face-to-face, it will also be accepted that a percentage of the communications are presented in a non-face-to-face way (remotely).

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What's more...

In the conference, you will also find invited conferences, work meetings, round tables for reflection… and much more.

We encourage you to participate, sharing your experiences, learning ... and enjoying Málaga!

TAEE Committee
Organizers of TAEE Conferences
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